Sunday, 8 July 2007

Planning 2

Script Reading
The think need to know when reading the script:
1. the Situation( modern/ old fashion)
2. The Plot
3. The Actor
4. Setting ( Place, Time, Climate)

Script Breakdown style="font-style:italic;">
1) The Play
2) Location and Setting
3) Time( day, date, hour)
4) Equipment
5) Make up and Costume
6) Actors

Summary Planning 1

Definition of Planning
- Setting organizational goals
- Developing strategies to reach those goals
- Determining resources needed
- Setting standard

There are 3 kinds of Planning

- Strategic Planning
- Tactic Planning
- Contingency Plan

The Understanding of the Concept
All the Event is started from the Concept

Definition of concepts is the Limitation of the master piece

3 dimension that is the concept basic are
1. the theme, topic, issue
2. Target audience
3. The influence

Concept------ Plan -------- Action Plan

Concept consist of
1. the Situation --- color/ impression's that happen
2. the plot of the event

Tactic Planning

The Principle:
1. Start from the end --- Find the purpose first
2. Brainstorming
3. Selection
4. Make priority
5. Scheduling

Brainstorming means write anything in your mind together without limitation, interruption or critic.

The Thinking Concept ---- Think globally 5W+ 1H
* What to do
* Why do the job
* Where to do
* When the job done
* Who do the job
* How to the job